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Join Us

We are looking for as many people to get involved as we can. Whether you are an artist, musician, actor, entertainer, blogger, writer, journalist, photographer, handyman (or handywoman), wannabe, MoM (Man of Mischief) or WoM (Woman of Mischief) eager to volunteer, pitch your ideas, or in some way or another feel that you could help us build up some culture and entertainment in Uptown Calgary… Please contact us at joinus@uptown7th.com

More specifically we are looking for:

Volunteers & Helping Hands:

to aid with promotion, renovations, logistics and coordination, fundraising etc.

Sponsors & Partners

Do you, your business, or organization, share an appreciation for calgary community growth or have ideas on how we can work together? Let us know!

Flash Mob & Improv Actors (No experience necessary):

To devise, script, act and plan out skits and flashmobs to perform for the 1st Street LRT station and around the Downtown Core.


To film and document artistic projects, especially improv projects, work on a documentary about the history of this block, help us make our Indiegogo campaign video. Also could do showings of independent work.

Artists of all mediums

Who would like to have their art displayed for sale on a commission based arrangement

Musicians and Entertainers

Who would like to perform for the sea of faces waiting for the LRT, This could be in the window on the street, or during events and shows at Uptown 7th.

Bloggers, Journalists, Writers and Poets:

Who would be interested in publishing intriguing and thought provoking articles or work pertaining to Calgary's culture, politics, and what we are doing here at Uptown 7th.

Mural Artists:

Who would be able to paint the metal shutters that come down at night on 7th Avenue. All tenants have approved this project, but would like to see a concept drawing first. If this interests you, please give us some back ground information on yourself, which shutter you would like to work on, and submit any previous work you have done, along with a concept drawing of what you would like to do. This project would currently have to be funded by the artists themselves.

Click to view available mural shutters